Featured Announcements

The 186th Tithi Puja of Sri Sri Thakur was celebrated in our Ashrama.

The 169th Tithi Puja of Holy Mother Sarada Devi was celebrated in our Ashrama.
Our Activities
Major activities include Daily Worship, Spiritual practices, Religious preaching, General and technical education with an ethical and spiritual background,
Medical services, Famine and distress relief work, Rural upliftment, Work for the labouring masses for their improvement and other Cultural Activities.

Puja & Celebrations

Youth Day Competitions

Covid 2.0 & Cyclone relief work

Weekly Medical Camp

Nursing Scholarships

Relief Services
About Our Ashrama

Ramakrishna Math at Ramnathapuram
This is the place where Swami Vivekananda stayed before going to west in 1893 and after returning from the west in 1897.
(Officially affiliated to Ramakrishna Math & Mission, Belur in 2016)

Temple Routine Services

Mangala Arati
05:00 am

Nithya Puja & Offering
07:00 am

Remain Closed
12:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Evening Arti
6:30 pm

After Sandhya Arati till 07:30 PM
on week days
7.00 PM - 7:30 PM on Sunday